Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Where Can I Find Paid Blogging Jobs?

As more and more people are recognizing the power of the blogosphere, more and more blogs are popping up everyday. Many of those blogs need bloggers, and many of those are paying blogging jobs. Following is a list of resources to find paid blogging jobs.

Problogger: Darren Rowse's blog about blogging is one of the best places to find paid blogging jobs.

Indeed.com: Performing a search for 'blogger' or a similar search tool on Indeed.com will provide a list of results culled from various websites.

Freelance Writing Jobs: Deb Ng provides a list of links to blogging jobs found by searching the Internet each day.

Performancing: Performancing.com has a forum that allows people to post blogging jobs.

Authority Blogger: Authority Blogger has a section within the site's forum where people can post blogging jobs.

About Freelance Writing: Ann Wayman lists a variety of blogging positions found by searching the Internet.

BloggerJobs.biz: This site provides a good compilation of blogging jobs found on the web as well as some that are hard to find.

Writers Weekly: Writers Weekly is a site dedicated to helping writers. The blogging jobs listed on Writers Weekly include paid classified ads as well as a compilation of original market listings that are received from the editors at each publication.

Media Bistro: Media Bistro occasionally includes blogging jobs in their job listings.

Blogher: While this site is primarily for women bloggers, it does include some blogging job postings.

Craigslist: Many people post blogger jobs on Craigslist.

Freelance Blogging Jobs: A blog that compiles blogging job listings from around the web.

As with any job posting, do your research and make sure the opportunity is legitimate before jumping in blindly. If the job seems too good to be true, it probably is.


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